Welcome to Art

Art and Design at The Suthers School sets out to celebrate and explore the many different facets that this subject can cover. We believe it allows all students to express themselves in areas such as colour, imagery and pattern and encourage students to develop the independence to do so. Opportunities are given to really explore those areas of Art and Design that lend themselves to student’s strengths and interests while experimenting with a range of Media and Materials in order to develop practical skills.

At KS3 all students access opportunities that develop their practical drawing skills using a variety of techniques and media. The students study the formal elements of the subject to support drawing skills such as Composition, tone and Form. In year 8 students are ask to develop their skills when developing ideas using mixed media, supporting colour theory.

During the first years of the course the focus is given to building the skills and understanding needed to successfully meet the Assessment Criteria set out by the Exam Board.

The students will be encouraged to explore the following areas.

Formal Elements, developing the ability to record information through drawing, painting and photography. Showing skill and control in the use of Form, Tone, Texture and Composition.

Developing their understanding of Art History and the ability to analyse and link to the work of others

Building confidence to experiment with ideas and Media, reviewing their ideas and showing the refinement of their work.

The students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with contents of the course by completing a Mock Coursework addressing all the Assessment Objectives.

Much of the second year is dedicated to the completion of the assessed coursework and Exam.
The students are asked to complete a portfolio of work that meets the requirements of each Assessment Objective. Coursework is worth 60% of the overall grade and is initially assessed internally by the centre teacher.

The externally set exam question is released in January and students are given time to prepare for the final controlled 10 hour assessment which is taken in April, this is worth 40% of the final grade.
The students work is assessed internally and then submitted marks are verified by a visiting Moderator after the final deadline.

Students studying GCSE Art & Design have the opportunity to attend afterschool support twice weekly in order to develop and explore a greater variety of ideas and techniques.

October 2024


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