Art Curriculum Intent

Art and Design

‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together’

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh embodies the pursuit of art for us here at the Suthers School, through his emotional and creative fulfilment rather than commercial or valued recognition. His passion and unwavering commitment to the development of his craft is at the heart of students Art journeys. Van Gogh’s impact and influence is a thread that runs passionately throughout our creative and ambitious curriculum, teaching and enrichment that are brought together in the tapestry of topics, skills, experiences, experiments and challenge. This unique and valuable aspect is woven into the ‘DNA’ of the subject, through the sequencing of lessons, exciting curriculum, development of aspiration, deepening understanding of Art and the importance of this to individuals, society, cultures and the impact it has globally. Knowledge and skill are strategically positioned throughout each year group to accumulate over time to master their craft as they move through their journey as an artist.

Art can unlock student’s creativity, develops their appreciation and allows them to have the opportunity to express themselves but also equips students with transferable skills. From the different ways of thinking and ways of working it instils; creativity, exploration and discovery are at the heart of the Art and Design curriculum at The Suthers School. As a result of careful and deliberate sequencing, students move through four phases of learning in each unit of study. Each phase of learning is instrumental in developing our students’ capacity to invent, create and think critically about their own work and that of others. Our students explore the work of seminal artists and key movements in a way that supports them in developing their own skills as well as their knowledge of the interconnectedness of Art and human history.

Art is a vital subject that develops students’ knowledge and understanding of their place in history and the world. Students are encouraged to explore and broaden their mind-set of work, showing respect and exploring higher level thinking, articulating their opinions with art terminology. Our aim is to reduce and irradiate the perception that Art is for the ‘elite’. Students are encouraged to strive, thrive and to pursue their ambitions, understanding that they are in control of their futures. They have the opportunity to explore traditional and contemporary work, through experiences and visiting artists who are in the local community and links we are developing with local businesses, applying our subject to the real-world and demonstrating the career option and future they could achieve.

At The Suthers School, the study of Art and Design exceeds the demands of the National Curriculum and empowers our students to become artists by:

Developing a love and passion for learning that continues beyond the classroom; through ‘curiosity corner’ in which students are directed and supported to purse independent research.

Creating connections with local businesses and artists to explore future careers in Art.

Providing an holistic view of Art and Art history

Delivering a coherent programme of visits to galleries, exhibitions and museums

Teaching them the expert language needed to evaluate and explore Art at the highest level

Offering a route into the completion of additional, nationally-recognised qualifications such as the Arts Award

Creating a thriving Art community through participation in annual festivals and workshops

Championing the vital significance of Art through whole school events such as the Big draw

Celebrating student Art through the curation of ‘pop up’ galleries, displays and exhibitions

Contributing to the local community and charities through; product, production and enterprise.

To access the curriculum plans for each year group, please use the links at the side of this page.

If a year group link is not available you can contact our Art Team at where they will get back to you with further information.

July 2024


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