
Curriculum Intent

Sapientia, Scientia, Aequitas

Wisdom, Knowledge, Fairness

Through a relentless focus on the core principles of wisdom, knowledge and fairness, our curriculum not only lays the essential foundations for rigorous academic study but also excites the passions and enthusiasms of our students. This is underpinned by the absolute conviction that a truly meaningful education unlocks a child’s potential and supports them in balancing academic success with a sense of personal ambition and social responsibility, one which values and promotes character development alongside academic excellence. This will enable them to shape their own future and in doing so shape a just and equitable future for all.

Each subject studied at The Suthers School makes a unique contribution to the rich tapestry of knowledge, skills, experience and understanding that enables our students to excel within and far beyond the classroom. Through an intelligently structured and carefully sequenced curriculum, students secure the highest levels of core knowledge from which a deeper understanding and wider appreciation develops. This building of core knowledge is driven by our teaching and learning philosophy of Fully Guided Instruction. Through the ‘I Do, We Do, You Do’ methodology students acquire subject-specific vocabulary, expertly modelled and supported by the strong emphasis we place on oracy, reading and writing. Through carefully planned and sequenced higher order thinking skills, students are challenged to think deeply so that their intellectual curiosity develops academic fluency and scholarly traits. The deliberate teaching of topical, ethical and cultural issues also supports our students in developing well-informed opinions and equipping them to make well-considered decisions and so plays a vital role in nurturing their wisdom.

Students are encouraged to be proud of their heritage and to develop a deep respect for the lives and experiences of others. Newark and its surrounding communities boast a rich and diverse past and one which has often been associated with world-changing events and world-leading advancement. This is a tradition that is championed and further developed through a sustained and deliberate emphasis on real-world application and close links with local businesses.

Our curriculum is structured as follows:

Key Stage 3

We believe that students deserve to study as broad a curriculum as possible for as long as possible and therefore operate a 3 year Key Stage 3 programme. Our curriculum not only provides an essential foundation in the core subjects (English, Maths, and Science) but also includes: Art, Civics, Computing, Design Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, Music, Personal Development, PE, and RE.

Curriculum Model

All pupils in Years 7–9 study a core curriculum (as detailed below). The number of hours allocated to subjects is shown below each subject heading and is in addition to the time provided for enrichment and Supervised Study each week.

No. of Lessons per Week
SUBJECT Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
English 5 6 6
Maths 4 4 4
Science 4 4 4
Art 1 1 1
Civics and Religious Studies 1 1 1
Computing 1 1 1
Drama 1 1 1
French 3 2 2
Geography 2 2 2
History 2 2 2
Music 1 1 1
Personal Development(PD) 1 1 1
Physical Education (PE) 2 2 2
Design Technology 2 2 2
TOTAL 30 30 30

Key stage 4

At The Suthers School, students follow a two-year Key Stage 4 (KS4) programme in Years 10 and 11 which provides them with the time to build on the knowledge, skills and understanding developed at Key Stage 3 (KS3) as they study for a combination of GCSE and CNAT qualifications. Students are encouraged to follow the EBACC pathway, consisting of English, Maths, Science, French, History or Geography and this is complemented by a broad range of optional subjects to enable students to succeed in areas of particular interest. The optional subjects currently available to KS4 students include: Art, Child Development, Citizenship, Drama, Engineering, Enterprise and Marketing, French, Geography, Health and Social Care, History, Hospitality and Catering, Creative iMedia, Music, Sport Studies and Triple Science.

Year 10

English 6
Maths 5
Science 6
Option Block A (Geography or History) 3
Option Block B ( Citizenship, Creative iMedia, French, Geography, Health & Social Care or Sports Studies) 3
Option Block C (Art, Engineering, Enterprise & Marketing, Hospitality & Catering, Music, Triple Science) 3
Option Block D (Drama, Engineering, Enterprise & Marketing, French, Hospitality & Catering, Sports Studies) 3
PE 1
Personal Development - delivered by Form Tutors each week and through four Learning Days 39 hours
Equivalent to one hour per week

Year 11

Subject No. of Lessons per Week
English 6
Maths 5
Science 6
Option Block A (Geography or History) 3
Option Block B (French, Child Development or Creative iMedia) 3
Option Block C (either Drama, Engineering, Hospitality & Catering or Sports Studies) 3
Option Block D (Art, Enterprise & Marketing, Music or Triple Science) 3
PE 1
Personal Development - delivered by Form Tutors each week and through 3 Learning Days 39 hours
Equivalent to one hour per week
Total 30

October 2024


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