Welcome to Careers Advice & Guidance


Careers research, advice and guidance starts in Year 7 at The Suthers School and runs through to Year 11 currently and will continue to grow next academic year when the Year 12 provision commences. It is our aim that our students have the skills, qualities and capabilities required by not only the UK labour market but the global job market too.

At The Suthers School we are committed to ensuring that all our students in years 7 to 11 have high quality impartial advice on career opportunities, and that they progress onto appropriate sixth forms, Further Education Colleges, apprenticeships, T Levels or traineeships. On leaving Suthers, all students will have a clear career plan in place for Post 16 and Post 18 destination.

We support our students in making well-informed decisions in Year 9 in respect of academic/vocational option choices, at Year 11 for transition to Post 16 education. We offer impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options for all career pathways. We believe that giving students the best careers education and guidance is vital to enabling students to learn, achieve and ultimately realise their ambitions.

The Suthers School offer:

All students will be entitled to a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that will:

provide good quality impartial and independent careers advice to students which inspires them and motivates them to fulfil their potential;

provide personal advice and guidance which is in the best interests of, and meets the needs of, all students;

be based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance;

contribute to the raising of student achievement by encouraging students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers;

provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers, training providers, local colleges and others;

provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work;

develop enterprise and employability skills including skills for self-employment;

support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity;

encourage students to see career development as a life-long process;

develop students’ skills and knowledge of careers including career management skills and knowledge of the local labour market (LMI);

ensure students are aware of the full range of academic and technical routes available at each transition point so that students have the necessary knowledge to make successful transitions;

provide opportunities for meaningful encounters with employees, employers, further and higher education and experience of workplaces;

support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities.

be weaved and embedded into subjects across the curriculum.

How do we evaluate?

The Suthers School works towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks, is evaluated using the online Compass tool. This is carried out on an annual basis by the Careers Leader. The CEIAG development plan is based upon the outcomes of the Compass audit.

Provision is also monitored through regular feedback from students, parents/carers, staff, governors and employers. This feedback is collected after each event throughout the year and is recorded on an evaluation report. This is analysed by the Careers Leader and necessary improvements are put in place for the next academic year. Key action points are also included in the annual CEIAG development plan where required.

The effectiveness of our careers guidance will be reflected in all students progressing to positive Post 16 and 18 destinations (e.g. apprenticeships including degree apprenticeships, technical courses, sixth form colleges, further education colleges, GAP year or employment. Destination data is used to assess how successfully students make the transition into the next stage of education or training, or into employment and to inform future CEIAG provision. This is analysed by the Careers Leader with key trends and actions fed back to SLT and Governors. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of careers guidance.

The CEIAG policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the Careers Leader along with the Head of School and Governors.

Useful Links:





The Careers & Enterprise Company | The Careers and Enterprise Company

D2N2 | Local Enterprise Partnership for Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire (d2n2lep.org)

Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

February 2025


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