NewsletterJuly 2024

~ July 2024 ~

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we come to the end of another fantastic academic year, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the many highlights and achievements that have made it truly memorable. It has been a year filled with positivity and a strong sense of community.

I am delighted to share with you that our recent carnival event was a huge success. This celebrated the 'Good' judgement we received in March from Ofsted. Their inspection acknowledged how well our students are cared for and that our students feel happy and safe. The inspection team also acknowledged great practice within our teaching and learning strategy as well as the exceptional manners and character our students show to external visitors, staff and each other. Students and staff are proud to be part of The Suthers School. This achievement is testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, as well as the commitment and support of our parents and carers. We were therefore proud to reward them with the carnival and their work experience afternoon to celebrate their achievements.

One of the highlights of the year was our summer showcase, which demonstrated the incredible talent and creativity of our students from singing and dancing to acting and set design which left the audience in awe. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase their skills and for the entire school community to come together and celebrate their individual expression.

Throughout the year, our students had the chance to participate in various educational trips and events that enriched their learning experiences. We believe that learning extends beyond the classroom, and these trips and events provide valuable opportunities for our students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts and develop memories that will stay with them for life. 

I would like to congratulate all of our DofE students for passing their silver award. What an amazing achievement and I am so incredibly proud of them all! Their tenacity and optimism saw them through the tiredness and blisters which some of them had developed. Well done to you all!

Our year 10 students demonstrated remarkable initiative, responsibility, and dedication putting themselves forward to become Head Student. Each student who applied for the role filmed their manifesto and outlined how they would make a positive impact within our school community. We congratulate Lucas, Max, George and Chloe for taking these vital roles. I have also had the pleasure of reading the applications for our prefect team. I look forward to sharing these positions in September. We pride ourselves in developing our student leadership, listening to their ideas around school improvement and implementing some of those changes so the school community continues to thrive.

Enjoy the newsletter. 

Wishing you all an enjoyable summer.


Best wishes,


Nic Watkin

Head Teacher

My previous teaching experience has been at the Garibaldi School in Mansfield. I worked there for nearly 22 years and 10 of those were as a member of the Senior Leadership Team. I was delighted to be given the opportunity to work at the Suthers School from September and I am excited to be working with and supporting all students, parents and staff.


Both the Garibaldi School and the Suthers School are part of the NOVA Education Trust, this continuity for me has aided and accelerated my understanding of ‘the Suthers Way’ and the TORCH values. I adhere to the same values upheld by the Suthers School. They are core values important to me in terms of how I approach my work and personal life but also core values I believe are vital to instil in young people to prepare them for a successful adult life.


In support of successful outcomes for all students, I firmly believe in high standards and expectations for everyone. I will be working with all students and staff at the Suthers School to further drive up the high standards and expectations that I know are already in place. I will focus on student behaviour, attitudes to learning and attendance.


As well as my leadership responsibilities I will also be teaching Design and Technology and look forward to welcoming students into the workshop.


When I’m not at work, I look for as many opportunities as possible to be active with both cycling and walking being passions of mine. I love to camp wild, looking for places of total isolation to unwind and escape! Nothing better than being in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal! I often stay in mountain bothies, if you are unsure as to what these are, do a quick google search… not everyone’s idea of a good time but great place for creating adventure filled memories!


I have already spent some time in the school and have been overwhelmed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere. I look forward to this again in September and meeting more students and their families.


Phil Hunt

Assistant Head Teacher – Behaviour, Attitudes and Attendance

The bulletin for September will be sent to you week commencing 19th August.

We have more and more students who are choosing to cycle to school. This is great as it keeps them healthy, active and provides them with their daily exercise. 
Unfortunately we have had a few incidents this academic year where students have fallen off their bikes or have been knocked off.
Fortunately, all students have been fit and well. 
We would like your support to encourage your child to wear a helmet if they cycle to school. 

'Cycle helmets save lives and can prevent people sustaining life long injuries'

I am thrilled to share with you the exciting events that have been taking place at our school recently. On the 26th and 27th of June, we had the pleasure of welcoming 150 Year 6 students for their two-day transition programme. This experience provided our future Suthers students with a taste of secondary school life and an opportunity to familiarise themselves with our vibrant learning environment.

During their visit, our enthusiastic Year 6 guests immersed themselves in a variety of engaging lessons. They had the chance to explore the world of Food Technology, conduct fascinating experiments in Science, participate in energetic PE sessions, and delve into captivating Reading activities with our dedicated team of staff. These taster sessions not only showcased the diverse curriculum we offer but also allowed the students to experience the dynamic and interactive nature of learning at The Suthers School.

In addition to subject-specific lessons, the transition days included informative sessions led by key members of our staff. Miss Allen, Mrs Adams, and I had the pleasure of introducing the students to various aspects of school life. We discussed the numerous ways they can actively contribute to our school community through their voice and leadership. It was truly inspiring to see their enthusiasm and eagerness to become part of The Suthers School family.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of the transition days was witnessing our Year 6 visitors embracing 'The Suthers Way'. Their positive attitudes, willingness to engage, and respect for our school ethos were truly commendable. It fills me with pride to know that these young individuals are already embodying the values we hold dear at our school.

The success of these transition days extends beyond the classroom. We have been overwhelmed by the fantastic feedback we've received from parents and carers. Many have shared how supported they and their children felt throughout the entire process. This positive response reinforces our commitment to ensuring a smooth and welcoming transition for all our incoming students and their families.

As we look ahead, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the official start of the new school year. We eagerly await the 2nd September when our Year 6 students will formally join us as full-fledged members of The Suthers School. The energy, curiosity, and potential they bring will undoubtedly enrich our school community.

Thank you to everyone involved in making these transition days a resounding success. Your dedication and hard work have laid a strong foundation for our new students' journey at The Suthers School.


Mr S Buckberry

Asistant HeadTeacher


Transition Lead.

This past week at The Suthers School, our YR10 students participated in an enriching work experience (WEX) program, and we're thrilled to report that it was a resounding success! This initiative aimed to provide students with practical skills and a real-world understanding of various professions, and it certainly achieved that and more.

During the week, students ventured into diverse workplaces, gaining first-hand experience in fields ranging from healthcare and engineering to marketing and education. The feedback from both students and employers has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the value and impact of this program.






Employers praised our students for their enthusiasm, professionalism, and readiness to learn. Many remarked on the impressive work ethic and adaptability shown by our young adults. One employer from a local Primary School noted, "The students from The Suthers School were exceptional. Their willingness to take on new challenges and their proactive thinking were truly commendable."



Students, too, shared their excitement and gratitude for the opportunity. They spoke of newfound confidence, clearer career aspirations, and the invaluable lessons they learned about teamwork, communication, and industry-specific skills. One student reflected, "This experience has not only given me insight into my potential career pathway but has also taught me the importance of being adaptable and a realisation that you are always learning!” 

An essential component of the work experience program was the completion of the WEX booklet. This comprehensive document required students to reflect on their experiences, record their tasks and achievements, and gather feedback from their supervisors. The booklet serves as a valuable resource that students can utilise next year when applying for colleges and sixth forms. The reflections and documented experiences will help students articulate their skills and strengths in future applications and interviews. Additionally, the constructive feedback from their workplace supervisors provides a solid foundation for their personal and professional growth.







As we celebrate the success of this year's work experience week, we are already looking forward to the next one. The positive outcomes and enthusiasm from this year have set a high standard, and we are committed to continuing this valuable program.

Finally, a huge thank you goes to all the participating employers who offered our students great opportunities throughout the week. We hope to work with many of you again next year!

The Summer exam season has now finished, and it is with great pleasure that we say a huge well done to all Year 11 and Year 10 students. Year 11 showed a fantastic attitude towards their studies and exams, with many invigilators commenting on the impeccable behaviour displayed during the exam season. Throughout the Year 10 mock series, the maturity and dedication shown by students has been impressive. They have made a strong start to their exams. As a school, we look forward to guiding and supporting the students further through the exam process.

We would like to thank Year 10 and Year 11 for setting a great example at The Suthers School. We wish them all a restful break over summer and look forward to seeing Year 11 on results day, Thursday 22nd August. 

Our Yr 11s came together on Wednesday 3rd July to celebrate the end of their Suthers journey with their Prom at Kelham House hotel .

There were plenty of fabulous modes of transport used for the arrival and every student had made a superb effort to look their absolute best....  looking super smart in their suits and  fabulous in their prom dresses - such an array of different styles and colours. 


Mr Lynas and Mrs Redmond spent the afternoon preparing the room to give our students the red carpet welcome and Mr Carter was on hand as our resident photographer to capture arrivals as well as more 'natural' images throughout the night 


The students and staff enjoyed a buffet style dinner and danced the evening away making magical memories to last a lifetime. Best dressed awards went to Adam  who looked very dapper in a forest green three piece suit and Rubee , looking stunning in a beautiful blue ruffle style dress.



A good time was had by all students and staff alike 


See you all for Results Day on 22nd August 


Mr Lynas & Mrs Redmond

Senior Assistant Head











The Suthers Summer Spectacular lived up to its name on the evening of Thursday 4th July. There may not have been actual fireworks, but the performances were all just as breathtaking.  A comedy opening number flawlessly performed by Lucas warmed up the crowd of parents and relatives and led into an ensemble routine with seamless choreography and harmonies of two dozen voices. Tony gave us a moving solo performance before Kestra and Macie wowed us with a strings and singing number, Bianca led us all through a dramatic interpretation of her own composition based on Romeo and Juliet while playing piano and singing her own lyrics. Lulu then took on Billie Eilish with No Time To Die in fine style leading us into a dramatic routine involving an aeroplane crash and an alternate dimension, fantastic stuff indeed. Charlie smashed out a very enthusiastic jazz piano solo and Evie made everyone's hair stand on end with a spectacular rendition of Hallelujah! Alice's amazing flute solo was followed by a lively Abba routine form the dynamic trio of Chloe, Izzie and Marcia. 


After wiping our eyes and taking a breath in the interval, the audience was wowed once again by Ben and Lucas in a high energy self- choreographed dance, and moved again close to tears by Alex's stunning solo vocal performance. India, Lottie and Molly treated us to a dance-off, setting the stage for Douglas and Lucas to introduce us to the bizarre world of Mr Twit and his miraculous monkeys! Lily wowed us with a stunning solo rendition of 'Beautiful', followed by another fantastic trio of Lucy, Freya and Lauren singing their hearts out. The incredibly talented Izzie gave us another mind-blowing solo and led the audience into the virtuoso violin and clarinet duo of Eliott and Isabel, watched in awe by Lucas trying his best to win the heart of Lulu and just not quite getting there! Kestra then smashed out a brilliant singing performance after not being helped much by an errant guitarist (thanks Mr Case!), Kestra was a total professional and made the audience laugh then cry with another amazing performance. The drama crew returned with another twist to their multi-dimensional story and then Shekainah impressed us all with a stunning stage presence and powerful voice, before Summer and Lily led us through another dance off and a mind-blowing Irish dance routine that left the audience gasping for breath. Zara made eyes go damp with her rendition of 'Burn' from Hamilton before a very dynamic trio of Mantas, Jakub and James blew away the cobwebs with a punchy performance giving Nirvana a run for their money. The final ensemble gave everyone a chance to blow off some more steam and the evening closed with Mr Case announcing next year's production, we are all really looking forward to seeing what the super talented Suthers students can make of Little Shop of Horrors. 


A super fantastic evening with only one regret - I only got to see it once this year! Well done to everyone and thanks to the staff who dedicate their time and energy to making these amazing productions almost too big for our small auditorium. 













Auditions for our next show will be in September! 



We held our first Carnival Day at the Suthers School on Friday 19th July. This day was to celebrate all the fantastic achievements of our students this year, including the success of our most recent Ofsted visit. On the day, students got time on inflatables, had just to enjoy and ice cream and play games. The students thoroughly enjoyed the day, and behaved impeccably. Thank you for all parents/Carers that contributed to the event, as well as staff for supporting the running of the day, from baking cakes, setting up activities and supervising. We look forward to hosting many more Carnival Day's and hope the weather turns out as great as it did on Friday.  






As another term draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on a busy and productive few months!

Farewell Year 11!

A huge congratulations to our fantastic Year 11 geographers who have completed their studies with us. We are immensely proud of your hard work and dedication throughout your GCSE course. We look forward to seeing you back in August, celebrating your successes on results day!

Year 10 Field Trip Triumph!

Our Year 10 geographers braved the elements on their recent compulsory fieldwork trip to Skegness. Despite the weather, they conducted a full and engaging day of data collection, gathering both physical and human geography information. This valuable experience will undoubtedly enhance their understanding of coastal landscapes and processes. As always, a big thank for both those staff members who accompanied us on the day, and the crucial roles played by our incredible office staff. 


Our KS3 students have been busy exploring diverse geographical topics this term. They delved into the fascinating region of MENA (Middle East and North Africa), examining its physical and human characteristics. Additionally, they explored the complex concept of globalization, analysing its impact on different parts of the world. Finally, they investigated a variety of economic activities and their influence on the landscapes we see around us.

We would like to thank all our students for their hard work and enthusiasm this term. We would also like to express our gratitude to all parents and carers for your continued support. 

Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable summer break! We look forward to welcoming you back in September for another term of geographical exploration.

Just a few short weeks ago eight intrepid explorers from years ten and eleven had never been on the water in a canoe, never mind contemplated paddling over 30 miles of the River Trent with camping stops in between, but that's exactly what they did when they embarked on the Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition - beginning with a practise weekend back in June. 

We had some students who successfully passed the Bronze walking expedition last year but for various reasons were not able to take part in the longer and more challenging Silver walking expeditions which happened last September. Refusing to be beaten by injury or other needs, they enthusiastically volunteered to be a trial for Suthers School and enter the water for the first time.

Two long weekends and six days of paddling later, negotiating water traffic, manual and automatic locks and some carrying of boats and equipment they all arrived smiling and safe to a loud cheer and well-deserved round of applause from waiting parents, carers and senior staff from the Suthers School in the centre of Newark on Sunday 21st July.

It was, yet another fantastic performance from Suthers students who earned the admiration and respect of specialist training staff and campsite staff as well as our own school staff for living and breathing TORCH characteristics throughout, all while maintaining a great sense of humour and refusing to be beaten by hot sun and pouring rain. The whole team say a big "well done Suthers students, enjoy your summer and we look forward to the next determined group of Bronze and Silver candidates who have a lot to live up to". 


On 12th July, we held our Suthers Pride day. This started with a quiz in tutor time about the history of LGBTQ+ rights and how they have changed overtime as well as work still to be done. At lunchtime, our fantastic LGBT+ enrichment group held a bake sale with cakes, traybakes and some rainbow badges and flags. We sold out and made an outstanding amount of £83.00 to donate to Notts LGBT+ Network. We wanted to donate to a local charity which has been established since 1975 and has worked with thousands of LGBT+ individuals in the area. They also have many connections with LGBT+ businesses and we are proud to have supported them as a school. There was great support from all our students and we look forward to continuing to fundraise for an important cause! Attached some photos, too. 



I would like to introduce myself, my name is Jo,

I joined Suthers School back in October as the Office Administrator, after moving my family from the outskirts of London to here in Newark. I have worked as a Receptionist/Office Administrator in schools for the past 7 years after finishing a Business Administration Apprenticeship. 

When I am away from the office, I run a small Football club back in Essex and also work on a local Football League in Essex running the U15's divisions, in my spare time I enjoy watching both my boys play football,  going on long walks and going hiking,  and spending time with my daughter and grandson who are back in London. 

I  love working here at Suthers and getting to know staff and students,  I look forward to what the future holds  and being part of "work family" and making positive changes and supporting the students. 


'The Suthers Sanctuary gardening club has been running for a few months now, and the spring and summer months have allowed us to start some more significant work. As a result of inclement weather by our standards, the weeds had optimal conditions to establish themselves in the soil - which has made the work hard going! But our intrepid team have been out in all weathers, tackling tasks such as digging out ground, building a tyre wall, removing some incredibly rocky and rubble filled soil, and planting out our first plants! 

We would like to thank all parents and carers who donated plants, tools, gardening gloves and seeds - these are already in use, and have been valuable for the work we are doing. Thanks also need to go to the local organisations that have donated materials to us - Pennell's garden centre, Downtown garden centre and Newark & Sherwood council. Between them, we have received in excess of £500 of plants and equipment towards our project. 

A special mention has to go to our most dedicated gardening club members, Charlie Key and Connor Edwards. Both of these students have been at every session, even digging in the rain, to enable this project to succeed! Well done ! Also a mention for Luke Sims, who joined us recently, and has progressed the project massively in just two weeks. Thank you to the whole team for their hard work, enjoy your summer break!




Whilst our school and offices are closed, you are still able to access support through the following agencies:


Mind - 0300 123 3393 (9am- 6pm Monday to Friday)

Samaritans - 116 123 (open 24/7)

The Mix - 0808 808 4994 (3pm - 12pm every day)

Childline 0800 1111 (open 24/7)

Young Minds - Text YM to 85258 (open 24/7)

Visit for further information

Here are some other great support



Any urgent safeguarding concerns should be directed to the MASH team on 0300 500 80 90

Or by email


Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. We provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Newark, a service that could be life-saving for some of your readers. Lastly, we offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.

As we approach the summer holidays, it's important to remember that this can be a particularly challenging time for those dealing with addiction and mental health issues. Many people feel more vulnerable during this period and may be in desperate need of the resources and support that Rehab 4 Addiction can provide.

If you feel like you are struggling, please click the link to to get the assistance you require. 

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Book your child(ren)'s place on one of our Multi Sports and Creative Activities Courses this summer.  Our course is open to children aged 5 to 16 years of age. 10 FREE places are available for students in receipt of Free School Meals.

Newark Rugby Club 


please click on each link for more information on what is going on in and around Newark this summer holiday.


Holiday Activities and Food


It’s been far from a scorching summer this year , but we’ve certainly had our hot days, and we’ll probably see more before autumn arrives. Plenty of children will likely want to make the most of the sunny days when they come – but even over the course of a single day, the effects of hot weather can have an impact on young people’s health and wellbeing .


That’s why we’ve collaborated with health and safety expert James Whelan to put together a list of useful tips for avoiding the harmful effects of sunlight exposure, heat exhaustion, and other such dangers. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide lets you know how to help children stay safe in hot weather. 



                                                                             Download your free guide 


Unlock access to the world’s most comprehensive online safety programme for schools

Upgrade your membership to gain instant access to our multi-award-winning online safety training and resources. It’ll only take 15 minutes of your time for us to demonstrate how upgrading will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to keep children safe online.

Book a quick demo with one of our friendly education consultants to learn more.


Aspens have prepared a newsletter that highlights our menu and food concepts, special promotions, and theme days for the new school year, 

The new menus can be found here

Please see attached details on sponsoring a book shelf in our Library

We have a range of facilities available to hire including:

  • Grass football pitches
  • A Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA)
  • A theatre that can seat up to 125 people
  • A dance studio
  • Sports hall for use with football, netball, basketball, badminton and volleyball

We also have secure changing room facilities with toilets and showers available and are staffed throughout.

To book our facilities, please contact;

The Facilities will be closed and therefore no bookings allowed between 8th August - 22nd August 2024.